Brazil-China Innovation Dialogue 2024: Technology and Development

Welcome to the

Brazil-China Innovation Dialogue 2024: Technology and Development 


April 8 and April 10 afternoon 
Pedro Calmon Auditorium
Fórum de Ciência e Cultura, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Avenida Pasteur, 250 – RJ – Brazil

April 9 (AM and PM), 10 (AM) and 11 (AM) only by registration.

The BRAZIL-CHINA INNOVATION DIALOGUE is meant to discuss trends and directions in innovation policies and disruptive technologies and their impact and opportunities for development. 

In 2024, the Dialogues will have its seventh edition, as a free Conference of the V National Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation and as a side event of G20 Engagement Group – T20 (Think-Tanks). The future vision is crucial for the challenges at the forefront of science and technology.

The Brazil-China Innovation Dialogue will promote a discussion on foresight and development, focusing on three main themes:

Agriculture's technological and social frontiers.

Frontiers in Medicine and public policy challenges.

Energy transition and sustainability: horizons and alternatives.

“The V National Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation aims at the promotion of a democratic environment for highly qualified debates, providing the mapping of issues in which the country needs to advance, particularly in the process of production and consumption of science for various segments of society, in the search for new knowledge, in innovation, in the effectiveness of investment and financing instruments and the improvement of institutional frameworks. Another objective is to encourage the National ST&I System to define strategic ST&I plans, programs, and projects in line with the challenges of the 21st century to integrate its strategies with social, political, environmental, and economic proposals, in addition to exploring their results in the pursuit of fair, inclusive, competitive, and sustainable development.”

Organizing Institutions

Centro de Gestão e Estudos Estratégicos – Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação